意大利高级童装 DOLLY 爱丽丝系列 童装印花图案设计

DOLLY IN WONDERLAND does not need an explanation. It is the original Alice in Wonderland world where Alice meets DOLLY. Where DOLLY falls down the rabbit hole and DOLLY visits the Tea Party. Alice plays with her DOLLY and no DOLLY is not mad, she just wears the hat. DOLLY is dating DASH and DASH fits the hat quite well as well 🙂 DOLLY’s Red Queen is dressed in a red tutu dresses and Alice has her versions in sky blue. DOLLY’s ballerina shoes match with everything for a complete look in DOLLY WONDERLAND! Where the hat and get mad

语种:外文 格式:JPG
编号:DOLLY -3 大小:81M
页数:4 软件:Adobe Reader


