20 Ways to Draw a Tulip and 44 Other Fabulous Flowers PDF下载





Like other things in nature, most flowers have a geometric quality and a naturally balanced composition, so rendering them can be a really enjoyable and inspiring experience.像自然界中的其他东西一样, 大多数花卉都有其几何特性与自然和谐的构成, 因此, 对花卉的绘制工作其实是一种真正令人愉悦和鼓舞人心的体验.

I am particularly fond of drawing them in a more abstract (less realistic) way and then clustering them together into patterns.我特别喜欢用一种更抽象(减弱其实际特征)的方式来绘制它们, 然后将它们聚集在一起构成图案.

20 Ways to Draw a Tulipshows examples of twenty different ways to draw forty-five different flowers from around the world.画郁金香的20种方式 展示了20种不同的绘制方式, 以分别绘制45种自世界各地的花卉.

It may be important to rethink your conception of what it means to “draw” for this book.为了阅读本书, 重新思考一下你对”绘画”的观念可能很重要.

Traditionally, we think of drawing as taking pencil or pen to paper and rendering an exact likeness of something, with perfect shading and line work.传统上, 我们认为绘画是用铅笔或钢笔在纸上, 用完美的阴影和线条画出一个完全相似的东西.

But, for the purposes of this book, let’s think of drawing as simple line drawings— distinct straight and curved lines and dots placed against a plain background.但是, 为了阅读本书, 让我们把画画想象成简单的线条绘制(线描)—— 在一个简单的背景上放置不同的直线, 曲线, 以及点.

I drew all of these flowers with fine-tipped black pens on white paper.所有这些花卉均是我使用细尖的黑色钢笔在白纸上绘制的.


