意大利最前卫室内设计品牌Edra—美丽之旅 室内内饰摄影图集
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■文件名:Edra Our Story – A Journey through Beauty国外室内摄影电子版书籍电子版PDF下载
■简介:”Our Story” by Stefano Pasqualetti and Gloria Mattioni.The book is a photographic project to celebrate Tuscany and its treasures that constantly are inspiring Edra works. This photo collection is a storytelling through powerful images purposefully created by four photographers, Massimo Vitali, Pietro Savorelli, Alessandro Moggi and Stefano Pasqualetti with some of the most significant pieces of the collection portrayed in meaningful Tuscany locations. The book also includes brief comments about Edra by the editors-in-chiefs of the most important international design magazines. Our Story is published by Skira.