独眼艺术家戴尔·奇胡利Dale Chihuly玻璃艺术作品展电子目录

■文件名:CHIHULY at Schantz Galleries 2016
■简介:戴尔 · 奇胡利世界著名玻璃雕塑师,他的作品被视为吹制玻璃业界独树一帜的风格类型。奇胡利于1941年9月20日生于华盛顿塔科马市,父亲是一名屠夫,母亲是一名热爱园艺的家庭主妇。奇胡利自儿时起就表现出了对于玻璃制品的痴迷,常常在普吉特海湾的沙滩上收集玻璃碎片。

Chihuly’s legacy and influence on the history and growth of glass as an art form are unparalleled, and he has become a cultural icon through his willingness to share his ideas and encourage experimentation. Dale Chihuly’s oeuvre is as much a cultural journey as it is a passport into the world of his imagination.The Persians resonate with the notion that Chihuly does not emulate—he creates. The Persians are so named not because of any direct connection with a place but because they evoke the alluring romanticism associated with orientalism. Chihuly defies neat categorization and cannot be pinned down by tidy art historical parlance. This creative freedom yields a varied and awe-inspiring body of work. 奇胡利对玻璃作为一种艺术形式的历史和发展的影响是无与伦比的,他通过分享自己的想法和鼓励实验,已经成为一个文化偶像。戴尔·奇胡利的作品既是一次文化之旅,也是他进入想象世界的通行证。波斯人认为奇胡利并没有模仿他创造的东西。波斯人之所以这样命名,不是因为他们与一个地方有任何直接的联系,而是因为他们唤起了与东方主义有关的诱人的浪漫主义。奇胡利无视整洁的分类,不能被整洁的艺术历史用语束缚住。这种创造性的自由产生了各种各样、令人敬畏的作品。

戴尔 · 奇胡利玻璃艺术作品集 装饰玻璃工艺品装饰摆件图片大全 当代玻璃工艺摆件装饰品图片大全

